West Campus
High School
Hiram Johnson
High School
New Tech
High School
Urban debaters are smart, but they have not always been high achievers. Before they discovered debate, many struggled in school, with below average grades, poor attendance, or a history of disciplinary problems. Urban debate changes their lives. Here’s how it works:
90% of urban debaters graduate on time.
72% of urban debaters with the highest risk of dropping out graduate on time.
Each semester that a student debates, his/her grades will improve.
At graduation, the average GPA of an urban debater is 3.23, significantly above the college readiness benchmark.
Debaters are more likely to test as college ready.
After graduating from high school, 86% of urban debaters enroll in college.
Urban debaters are 80% more like to graduate from college.
Urban debate prepares students for twenty-first century careers.